LG Electronics has previewed the world's largest 55-inch OLED HDTV, ahead of the official CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2012 announcement. For now, no pricing or availability details have been revealed – we presume the Korean giant won’t stay mum at CES 2012 however.
The new 55-inch OLED HDTV has been detailed slightly, with LG announcing such features as its 4-Color Pixels (which add a white pixel to the usual primary trio of red, green and blue) and Color Refiner technology (which improves the hues and tones by using special algorithm), adding a white pixel to the usual primary trio of blue, green and red. Also onboard, is the Color Refiner technology, which uses a special algorithm to enhance hues and tones.
LG 55-inch OLED HDTV includes infinite contrast ratio which shows on-screen picture with utmost clarity and sharpness. Compared to usual LED/LCD panels, this OLED HDTV is 1,000 times faster. The display is made by using cheaper production process which is based on Oxide TFT technology.
Therefore, it is expected that it will come with premium price tag. This slim, nearly borderless and narrow Bezel design TV weighs only 7.5-kg (16.5 pounds). It will blend perfectly into the wall of your home. The company has not revealed the price, production plans and availability details of its new OLED TV yet.
Screenshots of LG 55-inch OLED HDTV with 4-Color Pixels: